Deep Learning

Is a specific type of machine learning employing neural networks in which the number of hidden layers >= 1. A hidden layer is any layer between the input layer & output layer.


Types of Learning

Self-Supervised Learning

Is a way to train models in which the objective|label is automatically computed from the inputs, i.e. it self-supervised learning requires no humans to create labels. Due to this process, these models generally require a fine-tuning process in order to become useful for specific tasks. Fine-tuning is a Transfer Learning technique.

Transfer Learning

Pretraining is the act of training a model from scratch without any incorporated prior knowledge. Fine-tuning on the other hand, is training completed after pre-training with a dataset specific to the desired task. Pretraining cuts down on the time, energy, financial & environmental impact, & data needed to get good results. Transfer learning is the general method for taking advantage of pre-trained models, i.e. when a pre-trained model is fine-tuned for a specific task, its knowledge is said to be transferred to the fine-tuned model.



Calculates the gradient of some loss function w.r.t. the weights of a neural network s.t. the gradient can be used to update the weights of the network in the direction of decreasing loss, minimizing the loss function. The gradient is a vector of partial derivatives which points in the direction of steepest ascent or greatest change. A derivative is how much a function changes when the input is slightly changed in the positive direction over the size of the change in the input. A partial derivative of a function of multiple independent variables is a derivative w.r.t. one of them, it answers the question, how much does this function change w.r.t. this independent variable.

Another way to define backpropagation is in terms of a computation graph. Backpropagation is the recursive application of the chain rule backwards through a computation graph. At the completion of one backward propagation, each node in the computation graph will have computed a partial derivative of the loss function w.r.t. itself. The partial derivative of the loss function w.r.t. a node is dL/dn = dL/dparent * dparent/dn.


Gradient Descent

Is forward propagation of weights & input data values through a neural network to the output of the network & into the loss function followed by backward propagation from the loss function all the way to the input weights followed by an update of the network weights in the negative direction of the gradient. This update uses a learning rate, i.e. wi += l.r. * -g_wi. After some iterations of gradient descent, we should find that our loss function output is decreasing.


Neural Network Architectures