Diagramming System

Use venn diagram system for anything quick, i.e. just use block mode in neovim to make box & arrow diagrams. Anything complicated is better in DOT.

It’s also easy to diagram in Freeform & paste into Obsidian!

Does Obsidian play well with GraphViz DOT language?

  digraph G {
    a -> b;
    b -> c;

How should this system of diagramming things with graphs work?

Anything that involves complicated systems or many dependencies should be diagrammed with a graph. The nodes of graphs should link to notes that describe them. As proficiency is gained over time, the time it takes to generate graphs should be reduced dramatically. Graphs should exist between paragraphs that explain them & give context.

What improvements could be made?

  • Experiment with different styles until one sticks.

  • Are snippets working? Should we write some?